Web E-Manager Brochure


Keep up to date with real-time management information at your fingertips - any time of the day, any location in the world (as long as you have an internet connection of course)


It's no secret that administration staff can often be snowed under, with task after task awaiting their attention, so why not employ software that allows your administrators to complete the day to day management of their people online, quickly and easily? Ceequel's E-Manager offers endlessly configurable screens which will quickly become an indispensable tool.

Real-Time and At a Glance

  • Real-time indicator board - Who's in?
  • Real-time lateness indicator
  • When are my team's holidays
  • Outstanding holiday requests
  • Overtime statistics
  • Flexi time, Annualised hours or TOIL balances
  • Departmental absence view/planner


  • Authorisation of overtime
  • Authorisation of holidays or absence requests
  • Roster planning
  • Ensure key skills availability
  • Authorisation of paid absence
  • Add/amend clockings
  • Allocate time to projects, activities etc


  • Exception reporting
  • Bradford factor visibility
  • Clockings report
  • Overtime analysis
  • Absence reporting
  • Shift working report
  • Personal and emergency contact details
  • Flexi time, TOIL and Annualised hours breakdown

Ceequel® - Developed for you